Tuesday, September 29, 2015

You are a Suprême Being - Not only flesh & bone

We humans accept labels from society but you have forgotten we are more than MANKIND we are indeed #SupremeBeings.

Remember what you were taught:  THOU SHALL NOT WORSHIP FALSE IDOLS!

Well that includes yourself.  This is speaking of your FALSE SELF.  You know yourself to be [such & such] whatever your name is ] Which is your FALSE SELF! 

That is the EGO Self.  The illusionary self trying to make you #Worship this body you are in & this WORLD it is in.  That is the same as WORSHIPPING FALSE IDOLS! 

The TRUE SELF is inside of you & hasn’t existed in this planet in the 3rd dimension without a body.  Your soul is NOT physical Material and Your body is a PRISON CELL TO THE #SOUL for now..

Whenever you don’t connect to your inner self or the GOD in you but rather you connect to a God outside of yourself, you are giving Power to that ENTITY. 


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

People are to hard on themselves

The Holy Spirit is here with us everyday man does not need to be pure to feel and hear the Holy Spirit.  Humanity could never measure up anyway purity is a concept that supersedes us.  That does not stop the Holy Spirit who will find all of GOD's children on this planet.

Those that believe that they cannot make it alone on this planet without GOD will turn to GOD sincerely and ask for help and GOD will send his HOLY SPIRIT immediately.

At which point it's up to you to trust that it is GOD who sent his COMFORTER. 

Hopefully your a person that can listen and that can see but many humans are not. Too many humans have eyes 👀 but cannot see and ears but cannot hear. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Close your eyes more

Look beyond what you see in your physical world. 

Close your eyes 👀 
Have you noticed how hard it is to sleep?

Thursday, April 30, 2015

See your anchors ⚓️

We are not guilty from the moment that we are born as some religions would contend. We are not condemned by the sins of others ("Adam and Eve"). We are not subject to Christian predestination. We are not subject to Karma.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Makes me wonder who actually knows you.

The situation makes you uncomfortable GOD will never harm us in any way he will never bring fear into our hearts he comes with peace and with love and affection.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Life is like a Hallway with a bunch of doors. You are allowed to decide which door you enter. You are also allowed to choose how long you stay behind each door.

Behind each door is activities.  You choose which activities you want to be involved in.

This life is full of uncertainty,  be careful of the door you chose to enter.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Trust him.

GOD'S work is so mysterious to me, he forces me to be honest with myself.  He gave me help while I'm down here on this planet in spirit form.  Some people refer to this spirit as Holy. 

I admit I receive help in spirit form from time to time.  Who can give me directions in this LIFE, none of us no where we are going?  

I need to hear what GOD is saying to me it's a monster down here on EARTH. 

I'm so excited about where he is taking my life.  I'm sitting in the passenger seat just cruising I am having problem after problem though just when things can't get worse.  Guess what? They get worse but I still try and find away to breath. 

This is why I say the devil hates me.  

(I'm on auto-pilot) sometimes I laugh at how hard the enemy try's to destroy me. So persistent, goodness.  I guess I gotta fight until my last day on this planet. 

What a shame, there is little peace here. It gets exhausting, all the storms that we go through in human form. 

So I turn to my GOD the creator of the Universe and all things Seen and Unseen. 

I always tell GOD how afraid or scared I am when my soul feels those type of emotions. I suppose that some things in this LIFE can be difficult and scary to deal with on my own.  But I have no reason to be scared or afraid because fear ISN'T even real.  All I have to do is trust HIM. 

I Am in charge of my reality. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Spiritual Gift

My Spiritual Gift

I truly am speechless,  but gotta figure out a way to blog this.

I guess the best approach to this would be just type it as I wrote it.  Sometimes I get in a zone, literally.   I pick up my pencil or pen and the paper becomes blurred and I'm writing. 

That's what I was asked to do. That's why I do it.

My FATHER gave me the gift of Healing.

I feel as if. I mean all I can do is shake my head. I just never thought. Not even in a million years did I ever imagine this.

I'm excited. Really this is news to me I just found out, I'm happy.

But I was instructed by the Holy Spirit NOT to be afraid of the things I am asked to do.

When I found out I must have felt fear.

Oooooh that makes me wonder, because my FATHER is so mysterious. 

But I'm excited, I feel like i was hired. That kinda excited.

I was allowed to remember times that I had performed healings on myself and on my son.

I just had never looked at it in that way. I saw it all I remember every detail of these situations.  I always saw it as me enforcing the word of GOD on things. I always believed it was GOD answering my prayers.

I am NOT allowed to focus on others right now. I don't have experience. 

But im still smiling. What a beautiful gift.

The thing about this is i had just came home from 7 Eleven.  I had stole some Clear Eyes. Just put it in my purse, it was literally sitting right there at the register. It is something I use frequently so maybe it was of interest to me.

I don't no, but I got home, sat on my bed I started speaking with my FATHER, i looked to my left my purse rolled over and the Clear Eyes slide out.

A big blue eye ball looking at me. I stared at it for at least 30 seconds.

My FATHER spoke to me, he asked me, could I have afford to buy it.

I said, I could barley afford it.

He reminded me that I could more than afford it. He showed me my financial means.  He helped me see otherwise.

He new why, he new my plan.
I had a stashed. He new exactly what I was going to do with it.

He told me to take some for myself. He told me not to save all of it then i would be able to afford it.

I smiled.

I was happy.

Happy like it was good news. I took a really deep breath.

That's exactly what I plan to do, thank you FATHER.

My mind went back to healings.

So I searched Google images.  Just using the word Healing.  Every image I saw gave me chills.  I said underneath my breath - Oh My Goodness....

Is that what I'm gonna do FATHER??

The Holy Spirit advised me, not to look at it the way others do. We Are Spirit. 

The lady in the image I was staring at had something that made her legs look like she had elephantitis.   I stared at her on my cell phone.

I thought,  something is on her body, something is destroying her flesh.

I remember thinking - get it off of her.

I saw myself in her room, there were at least 4 other people in her room.  I was praying for her.

It was so fast just a quick second or two.

A Vision.

My eyes came back and i focused on her legs, I new what I was gonna have to do. I just never imagined I would ever have such a gift.

I said, Wow FATHER, you want me to do that??? Everyone is gonna know.

The Holy Spirit reminded me.

"Everyone is gonna know anyway because you are going to blog it."

Wow FATHER, I think I said it 3 times Wow Father, Wow.

I'm excited but I'm so nervous too. My goodness people will think I'm CrAzY.

I always believed I had the gift of hearing but WOW!

Then I saw myself asking a different woman "Do you believe?" I was asking her did she believe in my FATHER.

Make me pleasing to you FATHER give me courage and strength. Use me as you choose.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sometimes we all feel it.

The boys told me at dinner tonight that they both think some Spirt is in our house they both described the same spirit.

Teenage boy

They say he just watches them, he follows them both.

They say that they feel more safe in my room because the spirit won't go into my room.

This is making me scared just a little bit, because they describe things so scary to me. My sister told me the exact same thing when she was a kid.

(Over 20 years ago)

Plus, I think there is definitely some one in here. I always feel it following me and the staring at me too.

But i swear, I don't say it to them (my sons). In fact I don't say it to anyone.


Now I'm just creeped out.

I had to find the right things to say to my boys so I told them.

That they have power over these things, that they simply need to tell this spirit to stop following them, but that they needed to mean it and be aggressive, they needed to be in charge.

I told them that this is their house. I told them that they have the power of GOD inside them and they need to learn how to use it and now is a great time to start using it.

I taught them to block things out of there mind and focus I taught them to enforce the word of GOD on it. I taught them to pay attention to what is going on around them but to stay focused.

I'm gonna buy them some crosses like i have in my room. I'm gonna make their room into force fields like they say my room makes them feel.

I have crosses and crystals in my room. I pray all the time in my room. I told them to start praying in their room.

They told me when they come in my room they feel safe, they feel so free that they will even lay on my floor.

But when they are downstairs or in their own rooms they feel like they are being watched.

The craziest thing about all of this is that I have been hearing this spirit, I been feeling its presence also.

Mostly i ignore it.

I use the power of GOD to rebuke things around me all the time, especially things that scare me.

It is my strength. That's what I taught my kids. Don't be scared but use the power of GOD inside you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Don't leave me

Since I cannot see my future. Stay with me FATHER place your hands upon my Future and my Present.  Today is your gift to me.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Can Fly

Last night I was walking along the side walk. I noticed that I could fly I lifted off the ground floating in the air moving my arms like I was swimming, at first I was having so much fun with this.

I didn't need wings or magic, I didn't need any devices. I can fly all on my own.

These guys playing basketball saw me in the air they were saying "oooohh!!"
I could see there faces they were surprised. Pointing at me like a beautiful bird.

But I was lost I was trying to see the building just behind these houses. I was looking for one building in particular.

I floated high enough to see the logo on the building behind the houses. That's where I needed to be. That's where I was going.

I came back down to the ground I saw a man just up the street staring at me he was about 5"9 dark skin black man with short hair.

I tried to ignore him and I asked the guys on the ground playing ball how to get to that building behind there neighborhood.

Rude ass fucks started making jokes. Told me to fly over there, but I couldn't fly that good. I had a good lift off but it's hard to stay up. It's very hard to stay up. But I kept trying in front of them, the guy up the street was walking closer.

So I asked for help, they tried helping me take off but I couldn't stay up in the air. Every time I tried the guy across the street walked closer.

I was scared so I told the guys playing basketball ball, "thank you" and I started walking. Looking behind me the guy from up the street was following me.

I was so scared, so I kept trying to fly higher and higher. I had it, I was up in the air, floating, waving my arms like I was swimming.

I could see the man on the ground below me. I was so scared to break focus. I never felt so scared.

I kept losing height I was getting lower and lower to the ground. I didn't give up, I can fly, this is fun. I woke up scared to death.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Consider this

Some how along the way one of these Spirits started following you.  Using you as a puppet, controlling you, touching you and making you think; it's just an itch or a bruise that just popped up out of no where. 

A Spiritual Warefare: 

Spirits are everywhere, in your home, in your car, at your job, everywhere.

There are others spirits, Angels, entities, energies, what ever you want to call them. There are good ones and there are bad ones.

They latch on to humans, they follow us and watch us everywhere, some even get involved. 

Listen, just take a week and listen to what you say to yourself, listen to your thoughts. Listen to the way that you talk to yourself, the way that you talk to your children, your mother, your father, listen subconsciously. 

There is more than one cycle to be broken.

Is it harmful? Does it tear you down? Does it build you up? Does it lower your self esteem? Does it make you feel proud?  Does your words make you feel gangsta? Powerful, sexy, what does what you're saying to yourself sound like?

Some of these spirits are louder than others, some want you to know they are there.  They linger around watching us.

We say, "I thought I saw something."

Answer: You might've.

Sometimes I wonder do they miss having a body and that's why they stare so hard.

What are they doing to humans when we call it a seizure.  

Everybody can't see them.

If you can't see ask our FATHER, he created the entire Universe, all things seen and unseen.

He can help you see.

Especially when you are sick; PRAY, talk to our FATHER, get to no him. You will find out that he sent us help.


Is hear now - talk to HIM

HE will teach you  how to use your words as weapons when it's time to fight back In This Spiritual Warefare ie, this LIFE.

HE will teach you how to live and accept this journey to LIFE. HE will help you understand that we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I spoke to GOD

I was wondering, where is the Moon, the season has changed, I set my clock back an hour and now I don't see the moon in the morning. 

I was frustrated, the Sun was shining in my eyes. I took a few moments and stared at it. Shining all big and bright in the sky.

It was Beautiful, it was Warm.  I admired it. I enjoyed it.

I spoke, "Thank you FATHER for your beautiful Sun, I LOVE these things about life." 

The Sun Rises, the Moon floating all over the sky at night.

"Thank you FATHER for allowing me to Live in this LIFE to see all these beautiful things, I can't wait to fly over these mountains and see all these beautiful things."

"It's the expenses FATHER, the expenses forbid me from seeing your creations on this Earth. Even if I LIVE to see all these beautiful things, I have to earn it."

"But jeesh FATHER, even when I earn it the expenses around me Take It All Away."

Help me Father to LIVE above these expenses in Life. 

We create Life, we are the energy that makes life work. It is because of us that Life is real, we actually make it Life.

"Thank you FATHER for sending me here, to enjoy the Beautiful Experience of Life.


Seeing the Moon in the Summer, and the Sun in the Fall.. I've watched these two for so long - I no what season they shine best.

They feel like Family

Thank you FATHER, help me with the tools that I need to LIVE in this LIFE.

Angel Nov5.13@6:54am

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Feelings Change ☀️

As much as you Love some one, is as much as you can Not Love that same someone.

Your feelings can change in the blink of an eye. - The click of a pen. - or - as fast as a light can flicker. 


The answer is different for each of us.  For me, the answer is:  

Some things I can endure but there are other things that I cannot endure.  Those things that I cannot endure I have chosen to rid them from my life.  

It is those same things that causes my feelings to change.

Changing your mind is your CHOICE.. You were born with over a million choices.. It's ok to explore.

What a joy being human.


Monday, October 14, 2013

A New Body

When I saw the body that I was living in I couldn't help but think that I had my work cut out for me...

Seems like I wanted to come to live In this life so bad that I got the next available body..

And who ever had it before me didn't put a lot of effort into Living this life.  

But perhaps whoever had it before me lived life so grand that this body was getting tired and weak.

I couldn't decide, all I new is that this is the body I had now, so I gotta fix it up to do the things that I want to do in this life..

I looked down at it and saw that I needed to tune it up, otherwise Life wouldn't be what I always dreamed it would be.

I already saw it...

Therefore, to last here in this life, in this realm, it was gonna be hard work.  

Now,   -  I AM Spirit having a human experience.

I said out loud to myself, "what In the world have you been doing all those years?" 

Guess I asked myself that question.

But I saw also that I didn't have much work to do but I was In need of some strength training.. 

This body is weak. 

Torn between two realms - feels like I can see the past like a movie but I also can see the future according to my choices.. 
I can see the wrong choices being made in my past as if it was somehow my life...

I had an advantage!!!  I new exactly what to avoid and or be cautious of in this life. It's as if I was sent here with experience, the body that I had still holds memory's of its past...

Hmmmm, I can work with this body.

Long story short, this was the body that I was given to use as a vehicle to take me into that very same future that I see.

I decided that I needed my body to be strong for what I saw in my future because it involved a whole lot of living.

Thank you FATHER for this body, I will strengthen it so that I may live life according to what you have helped me to see.

Angel ☀️
October 14, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I believe that GOD can make anything happen, I believe in miracles.. 

Some might ask: "Well why doesn't he do this and why doesn't he do that."

I can't speak for my FATHER but I can say what I believe the answer is.... 

Answer: Because, you don't TRUST him..

Believe without a shadow of a doubt that he will or that he can change any situation. 

I believe that he will and that he can change any situation and that he can make anything happen.... 


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Keep Me Calm

Keep me calm FATHER, life is difficult for me... Walk with me, be my pilot, fly for me, walk for me, bless me. 

Keep me strong FATHER, take my hand, lead me to what is designated for me... Help me choose - I cannot see, help me decide - I am not good with choices.

Stand me up, I am on my knees, extend your hand, I need you.  I need your guidance in my life.

Angel 10.08.13

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


The good thing about living this life is all of the feelings and emotion I get to feel, rather sad, excited, hyper, upset, or happy these feelings are all different.

It feels like many gifts in one body.....

There are many more feelings to explore. My eyes can see what others cannot see and I'm still blind in so many ways.  I don't mind being blind, because I have FAITH....

So, I no that even if my feelings are hurting or I'm filled with joy, I am there because I'm supposed to be there - at that very moment...... 

I am in the Human experience, my soul will speak to my body that speaks to my mind and I respond accordingly.. Rather with tears or laughter this is the way GOD  made me......

This is what I am supposed to feel....

GOD created me to be this way... That's why I LOVE him, that's also why I TRUST him.... 


Angel 9/12/13 7:30pm

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I can feel you near me.

Holy Spirit, I no that you love me, I get chills all over my body when I call on you. You are always near perhaps living inside of me.

I adore you, enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me.

Tell me what I should do and I will do it.  Give me your orders and I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me.

I accept all that you allow to happen to me....... 

I trust you... You have never left my side. I love the way you make me feel... 

Speak to me, guide me..... 

Work with me.. Stay with me....

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Make Me Good Enough

I felt this prayer below so deeply, I was gonna post it without this comment.  I searched for a photo to describe what I was feeling... 

I was in tears.... 

I cried out to be made good enough while scrolling through the photos....

I stumbled across the photo below....


 I AM GOOD ENOUGH I can tell YOU mean it because - something captivates my body when the HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKS TRUTH to me..

-------  SEE THE PRAYER BELOW  -------

I no FATHER that I am not good enough.. I am a sinner, these imperfections make me fall short of your blessings in this LIFE... 

I want to live abundantly, the way you promised I could....

I am so sorry, if I could change these things so that I am pleasing to you......

Make me Good Enough FATHER....

I no how much that you LOVE me.  I can feel it in my heart... 


Make me good enough, I want to be pleasing to you.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Unconditional Love

Having faith in you has become easier. I have stepped back and taken a good look at life and allowed you to be my pilot, trusting you and your Will for my life....

It seems like EVERYTIME that I pray for something, you give it to me instantly. I've never noticed before. I do notice now.

It's almost like receiving a download from you - MY SOURCE - my FATHER IN HEAVEN - creator of all things, seen and unseen.

I asked for joy and you gave it to me INSTANTLY - thank you..... Thank you so much!!!

I learned this morning that when I pray to YOU.. That I don't have to beg ---
I learned that I only need to ask once and it is given..

I even learned that you have UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for me.

You should see my face, I can't even stop smiling about that, because I LOVE YOU too.

I feel joy to no that you have answered all of my prayers .... Now, I wait, be patient, open my eyes and listen....

I can see your blessing and I am so thankful.. You no I have to say, I have never felt this kinda LOVE before.



The word you have put on my heart to day is Consecrate... I will look it up...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I Asked & You Gave It 2 Me

I asked you for the GIFT OF SIGHT and you gave it to me, you helped me to see.

You have always given me the gift of sight. I have always been able to see...

The problem FATHER is that I don't understand what I see, and something's that I see I don't believe......

Now I no that I need help.

Help me FATHER to understand what I am seeing.. Help me to interpret it.

Holy Spirit that lives in me who talks to me, teaches me and guides me..

You are my pilot FATHER lead me.

You have also given me the gift of hearing. I can hear, I can hear you, I can hear your Holy Spirit speaking to me....

Your Will Be Done......

I don't understand why I don't use these gifts the way you have created me to...

Help me FATHER to use the gifts that you have given me according to your Will in my life...

Help me to interpret what I am hearing, to understand clearly, what it is that you mean....

Help me to hear what you want me to hear..

Let me lean not to my own understand of these things.....

Your Will Be Done.....

MAY 2 @ 6:49am 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

I Give myself to you.....

Fill me FATHER with your HOLY SPIRIT. Help me to see what you want me to SEE. Help me to lean NOT TO MY OWN UNDERSTANDING but to your WILL over my life......

Help me to allow your HOLY SPIRIT to speak through me. USE ME FATHER to do your WILL unto this EARTH.......

You have a body here, use me FATHER.


Use me how you choose.


Help me to see what you want me to see.

I can see, - thank you FATHER
I can hear, - .....thank you FATHER

Give me the gift of confidence in you, I am on your side .......

I LOVE YOU.......

Thank you for accepting me.....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

You have only one enemy

Pay attention, your enemy never sleeps, he is always preparing to attack you.

Even if it is simply to get you to forget your own dreams.. A simple whisper into your ear is all it could take..

Keep your ears and eyes open.

You only have one enemy.

Life on Earth

I often wonder why this life has so many obstacles. So much pain, so much suffering.

I have seen smiling faces, not only on TV. I used to have a smiling face, I still do at times.

I have learned that even though LIFE is an outward situation, the experience of life is inside of me.

There are hurdles, such as FATHER TIME, MOTHER NATURE, SLEEP, and DEATH.

I am learning that every single experience in this life brings emotion. Some of these emotions I have not yet learned to control such as, LOVE.

What is LOVE?????

The gift of healing

I run every morning to the time clock five days a week. Running trying to punch a clock before 6:31am otherwise I'm late.

Many mornings I enjoy GODS wind all over me, the moonlight flirts with me, but in the spring the wind whispers in my ear.

One day I saw a co worker Vanessa, she has been suffering from severe acne since I've known her, which is about 10years. I say good morning to her daily but she never looked at me. She would power walk right threw the wind right on by me.

On this day I saw her after enduring what she had been going threw with her acne I immediately prayed.

FATHER, heal her, no one wants to live life with a face full of acne, may she be healed.

On this day, April 17, 2013 I saw Vanessa walking threw the breeze. I was in prayer walking and receiving GODS HOLY SPIRIT. I looked up, I smiled and said, good morning Vanessa, I noticed her face was clear she even had on makeup. I immediately replied, thank you FATHER.

She said good morning Angel and we continued onto our journeys.

GODS WILL be done.

Pray for the gift of healing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I can hear you

Walking through life but being guided by my FATHER.

Turning to him when lost, instead of turning to friends and family.

He has let me no that he hears me also, he can hear me engaging him in conversation day and night. GOD is telling me how beautiful he can make my life here on earth.

He is helping me to see, he is showing me, that with him NOTHING is impossible.

He doesn't want much from me, not like all the rules in this life that people think he wants.. No, he doesn't ask those things of me.


What he wants is LOYALTY, and LOVE, he wants me to LOVE him back and show it.. Love him with my heart.

This is not hard for me, ask anyone who knows me I love to talk about GOD. I can go on for hours about how awesome he is and how much I love him.

Today he has helped me to see that I am doing just that. He is pleased with me. If felt so good to be pleasing.

Do you no that today just this morning maybe about 5:54am he helped me to see how much he LOVES Mary. Did you no that she was favored.

She must have been AWESOME, her heart was right. An Angel came to her.

The thought of that blew me away. I wondered what I would do if an Angel appeared to me.

All I could say was GODS WILL BE DONE.

I wonder if I am favored and that's why I'm so blessed as well.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Do you want to go?

----Do you want to go with US?

Will you bring me back?
You can take me on a vacation, but you must bring me back......

I have a responsibility here

I'm doing a horrible job at my responsibilities now, as it is...

Not like the others

If I am NOT like the others, who have you sent here for those like me?

Why am I NOT like the others?
Why am I like this?


We look the same in many ways, we sound the same, we speak the same, but we are different.

I Was Angry

The feelings when you are hurting inside, is what I felt. Pain, I was hurting so bad that my eyes learned to cry on their own.

I didn't have to push, I didn't have to try, what I was feeling inside hurt so bad that the breeze of the wind made me cry.

I don't want to go home, because I don't want to explain to anyone, how I was feeling.

I asked for HELP! I always ask for help its a spiritual thing I suppose.


My eyes have learned to cry on their own, without my help. Tears fall to my face all by themselves.


Friday, April 5, 2013

They are like Angel's

Their life exist to assist us with our lives, what ever we need that's for the greater cause and GODS WILL for your life they will help you with. They love to help, and they love to be thanked for helping.

Some call them spirit guides, but that doesn't fit them at all. Not to me, they are more like humans without a body, but more like angels than us, because they are spirit but they love GOD they love to help you to reach him. They are good. They will correct you, guide you support you and help you get to no the real you.

Once you meet them you will have power because they will feed you wisdom.

No names are necessary for them but they will call you by your name.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


The emotion that comes with being human..... Having a body that feels energy, vibrations, emotion, and still able to hear GODS voice...

Now I ask myself, "What purpose or role have I set for myself before I incarnated into this body.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Do Not Believe

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

Trust N U

Those that put their trust in U...
Will not be disappointed

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In this life

I sat at a table looking around in shock, I could actually touch these physical things.. Everything was in 3D, everything that I saw even the people are in 3D..

This place, is called LIFE.... There are so many of us here, we live here clueless unsure of how we got here or why were even here....

Everything that is a sign we call it a coincidence, we forgot how to activate the gifts that are within us....

We forgot the power of our minds...
We forgot the power of our words...

We doubt everything that Isn't as obvious as the 3D around us..

Everyone wants proof...

GOD knows we are here, the enemy does too.... We thought it was about religion but its much deeper than that....

I no this.... This place called life has many lives within this one... There is life all around us... We are engulfed in it....

The unseen lingers among us as if this is claimed territory, or maybe their just isn't much entertainment in their world therefore they watch us like we do our cell phones...

Playing with us, with our lives, hoping in and out of our thoughts... Making us do things to hurt one another... Turning us against each other....

After all we don't even believe the unseen is real..... Yea Right!! Open your eyes...

This place that I came to .That you came too, this place is called .....LIFE..... It
Is a place that is being controlled in many different ways.... By many different entities...

How do I live this life FATHER???
What shall you have me do????
Your WILL be done.......

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Devil Wants Me...

The devil wants me, he wants me so bad. He never stops pursuing me..
He uses those around me to hurt me...
He turns them against me...
He makes them believe that I have done something very NEGATIVE to them....

Their minds are so weak...
They don't no what to believe....
They don't want to call me by my name "Angel"....... They prefer "Laura" it's also my name... Either is ok with me....

It hurts me when the devil uses my family... It hurts me because they should no....

I endure these things.....

This attack has been going on since I was a kid... The devil convinced my parents to leave me stranded in an unknown city, and state, they happily agreed, and did just that...

Now that I no that the devil wants me....
I have put on armour, I am prepared to fight back.....

I endure the pain, accept all the feelings the pain brings to me.... Shed the tears if it hurts bad enough...

Then call on my CREATOR, who created the entire Universe... Created all things seen and unseen.... Created all living things.... I call him GOD, you should to... He is our FATHER....

Did you no when I mention him in this way my entire body receives chills....

It's because I love him, and he knows it... That's his way of letting me know he loves me too....

He helps me defeat the devil.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Inner Feelings

Most people would like to no a persons state of mind when they write... Because when we write we express deep inner feelings.

Today I want to share with you one of my skeletons... My deep inner feelings...

I was listening to a story on ihttp://www.pray-as-you-go.org/
it was dated for the week of Jan 29, 2013.

The topic was about family....

Who is your Family?
Who is your Mother?
Who is your Father?
Who are your Sisters and Brothers?

They story went on to explain how anyone who loves our Creator, our Father....
is our Mother, Father, Sister, or Brother....

Those family's we cling to will treat you like a stranger... Hurt you in ways that you wouldn't hurt your worst enemy.,.,,

Then the story paused.... Then the Story continued but now it's asking me, who is my family? Who are my Brothers and Sisters? Who is my Mother and Father?

After being stuck in thought, my eyes hurt so many tears came out... My eyes cried a river....

I realized that I've been hurt by everyone around me.. Family, the ones that say quickly "I Love You". The ones that you call on in times of need... Family, tge ones that has hurt me the most....

I think I'm looking for a way out.....

Imagine how I feel or what I got going threw my mind when I look in the eyes of people who have hurt me so deeply every day...

They are family....

I visualized how each person has hurt me and in that moment I learned who my family is...

Thank you FATHER for

truly they have enlightened me.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Today is January 28, 2013....

I was driving to work praying and conversing with my FATHER, Creator of the UNIVERSE and all things SEEN and UNSEEN.........

I asked him to make me pleasing to him...
I asked him to make me good....

So that I may live this LIFE abundantly , the way that he has CREATED ME to live it..

I stayed in prayer until all I could say was THANK YOU FATHER, THANK YOU FATHER... Over and Over again...

When I parked my car at work my eyes were filled with tears rejoicing on the feelings that were running threw my body...

I cried... I looked at the clock on my dashboard noticed the time way 6:14 Pacific Time ....

I dried my eyes with 16 minutes left to clock in for work I sat there for just a moment longer.....

Turned the dome lights out in the car
After drying my tears, looked out the window on the driver side and saw.....

This beautiful MOON below.....

Wow was I blown away....


I opened the car door after taking a picture of this beautiful MOON..

Headed in to work and a SWISH of wind blew across my face coming from East to West...

I was walking North...

OH MY all I could say was THANK YOU FATHER for allowing me the GIFT of feeling you right here on MOTHER EARTH....

Wow what a beautiful Monday morning.




Blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit is an UNFORGIVEN SIN........

Thursday, January 17, 2013


U say only people on this earth can love you, can help you. Because they got money, power, wealth, fame.

You believe the can make a difference in your life, so you choose to CALL ON THEM.

I'm telling you. GOD IS HERE WITH US on this earth.

He is the creator of all things he is Everywhere.... In the midst of everything seen, and every thing heard. Everything that lives, and everything that passes on...

Understand that .....

You can talk to him, he can hear you...

GOD is Omnipresent ......

Omnipresent Meaning

omnipresent[ om-nuh-prez-uh nt ]

1. present everywhere at the same time: the omnipresent God.

My Body

My body, do you no what I think about when I think about my body? I think about how me and my body works together.....

Sometimes we agree to disagree. My body says its tired. I say keep going I got work to do.

My body is communicating with me. It says rest so I prepare to rest.

It says cleanse, I start my period.

How much control do I allow my body to have over me???

What control do I have over it????

We are more than human...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Who are we? What are we made of? What are we designed to do? What is Life? Why am I living it? Why are you living it?

Who has answers?

We believe that we have the ability to see TRUTH. Truth around us Truth in others... We human beings believe this with such certainty...

We design mechanisms to Test our own Theory, then give the Theory control over our limitations as a Human..

We are designed to SEEK THE TRUTH

Do you ever wonder why? Why do we even have to?

Why are we programmed to think that our creator GOD will punish us for all eternity if we screw up?


Believe me I serve a beautiful GOD
Pay attention to what's going on around you.

Listen to what is NOT BEING SAID



Don't you want to no the TRUTH???

Friday, December 28, 2012



Lets start the year 2013 with the TRUTH..

Lets talk about JESUS CHRIST
Lets talk about KING JAMES

Can you imagine why society is the way it is? Brainwashed and confused, blind and in need of a Spiritual Awakening.

Can anyone out there answer this question for me...

Can you explain to me and the millions of humans like me HOW DID JESUS LIVE IN HIDING IN EGYPT LOOKING LIKE THE PICTURE BELOW.

Read Further.......

Mary and Joseph received word that KING HARROD wanted JESUS DEAD.. So they fled to Egypt. They lived in Egypt in hiding.

If this is so and this is TRUTH please take the pictures of JESUS down with Blonde hair and Blue Eyes..

This is how you confuse the simple minded... Sometimes the simple minded fall in positions of authority over our lives...

Makes one wonder about these beautiful story's in the BIBLE compared to the photos hanging in many churches..,

In order for JESUS to blend in with the people of EGYPT he would have to LOOK LIKE THE PEOPLE OF EGYPT OVER 2000 YEARS AGO...

Who is this Blonde Hair Blue Eyed Man that you call Jesus?
What is Jesus' Real Name?

FATHER GOD, they want us to believe that YOU are Jesus Christ and that HE IS YOU.

And relate to him in a Physical Way..


Sunday, December 2, 2012


The one thing I learned about WALKING IN GODS WILL is: Pay attention to the signs..... and Listen to what IS NOT being said....

Sometimes a situation should NOT be and sometimes THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY to resolve, complete, or fix the situation.

I use to FORCE THE ISSUE. If what I was doing didn't quite pan out i'd try again and if I failed a second time, i'd simply find another way to get it done. It didn't matter I was NOT A QUITER.

Although im still not a quitter I found that what I was doing was more than likely NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

I got tired of FAILING, even though I didn't quit.

I figured this out when EVERYTHING I did or gained started being STOLEN FROM ME, BROKEN, LOST OR MISPLACED, or somehow it was simply GONE and no one would no where it was.

It wouldn't last or just fade away right on out of my life.

Nowadays, I am YIELDED, I am a true observer of THE UNSEEN. I Listen to what IS NOT being said.... I have learned that the TRUTH IS THERE.

I pay close attention to the situation.

Here is an example: Many of you are unemployed right now but LIFE IS STILL WORKING. There are things you need but cannot afford. So you ask someone who may no someone else who can make you pay check stub, YOUR PLAN IS TO GET A PAY DAY LOAN. All you need is a couple hundred dollars then you can CONTRIBUTE just a little bit to your family.

I learned that the problem here is, you are doing THE WRONG THING even if it is for a good cause. IT IS A LIE, IT IS NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

Walking in GODS WILL help me to see that YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THE WRONG THING to make anything happen.

Pay attention to the SITUATION.

Clearly if you can't afford it. You don't need it. Also why not ask someone for the money, they may just have it to lend.

If you dwell deeper on the situation, you may be able to see how that ONE LIE. Could cost you from buying that new car that was in your FUTURE.

The Body of Human People

You may have heard a saying "The Flesh Is Weak" you may even pray "Deliver me from Temptation" and be referring to your flesh.

You may be very aware of your human body, more so if you are reading this but if not let me explain a few things to you.

First it is important to understand that if you pay close attention to the Human body it will perform for you. WITHOUT your consent.

Your SPIRIT lives in this body and you DO NOT have the ability to physically make it STOP or START its performance.

So your curious? What does she mean by that, your most likely asking.

Here are just a couple of examples of the HUMAN BODY'S PERFORMANCE.

Typically a WOMAN'S BODY has a monthly cycle she has no ability to start or stop this monthly menstrual cycle. Her HUMAN BODY performs this cycle WHEN IT'S READY.

There are many other PERFORMANCES to see by the HUMAN BODY.

Another is the sensation of what some called becoming HORNEY or AROUSED. Generally speaking these feelings are triggered by TOUCH or SIGHT. But when activated THE HUMAN BODY will not STOP until it is SATISFIED. UNLESS YOU TAKE CONTROL.

Now you may have NO CONTROL over some of the performances of the HUMAN BODY. But believe me you have MUCH MORE CONTROL THAN YOU THINK.

Remember YOUR BODY DOES NOT CONTROL YOU it only wants to call the shots, you have the final say. You are SPIRIT in the BODY.

Allow the body to perform what it must, but be in charge of what it wants. Don't serve your body let it serve you.

Now that you are clear on PERFORMANCE lets dig a bit deeper into this discussion on THE HUMAN BODY.

THE HUMAN BODY - does what it wants to do, however YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF IT. Don't let your BODY control you.

Lets think about SIN for just a second.
What is SIN?
(An act of violating GODS WILL)
(An offense against moral law)
What is the punishment for SIN?

But we are all sinners, you say.. Yes we sure are. What does this have to do with our BODY'S?

Listen closer...... Calm your thoughts.

THE HUMAM BODY is always ready to SIN, its like trees and plants of MOTHER EARTH also belong to the EARTH.



The HUMAN BODY does what we allow it to do. It has NO MORE CONTROL than a child under its parents supervision.

Many religious people tell story's about Jesus how he was without Sin. How his body DID NOT return to MOTHER EARTH in fact it is written that he ascended into heaven. HIS PHYSICAL BODY and all.

What I understand from this story is that Jesus had FULL CONTROL OF HIS HUMAN BODY it is the only way he was able to remain FREE of Sin. He was an Angel sent to HUMANITY. He was a GIFT to us FROM OUR CREATOR.

So, the HUMAN BODY naturally wants to return to the Earth it feels that it is apart of the EARTH. It is aware that it belongs to the earth, SIN JUST SPEEDS UP THE PROCESS. Your body loves to sin, it desires to carry out all kinds of sin.

You cannot preserve the HUMAN BODY, nor can you PREVENT it from perishing. Your body belongs to MOTHER EARTH and surely will return to Mother Earth one day.

There are many ways to work on training and disciplining your body, many self discipline techniques.

My personal favorite is a book titled Spirit Life Training by Timothy Jorgensen http://spiritlifetraining.com/

Learn to discipline your HUMAN BODY one step at a time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I will never DISCREDIT JESUS CHRIST because I LOVE HIM. Believe me, he deserves all the CREDIT.

He has given HUMANITY A SPIRITUAL BRIDGE so to speak. A WAY to our FATHER.

The very idea of a sacrifice to save me is worthy to give thanks.

I have learned that he was clearly an ANGEL WHO WALKED THIS EARTH. In direct contact with the ANGELS AROUND HIM.

He had the gift of SEEING and HEARING. He spoke to the UNSEEN on many occasions.





Protection has been sent to us.

JESUS was surely a messenger to all Humanity..

Angel = Messenger = Yeshua

I don't no who or how they turned Yeshua into Jesus Christ... Or if the two are even the same but I do no this..



Love and sincerity is KEY.



Saturday, November 24, 2012

Eyes Closed

Seeing with my eyes, and listening with my ears are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. They require two different features in our Human Body.

In LIFE many walk around with our eyes CLOSED: We See, but we don't see what's going on around us. We hear but we don't ever LISTEN.

After 30+ years I started to see. I don't need to ask directions from many Human Beings because I no now that they are living in the same LIFE I'm living.

But I listen, and I listen carefully to spoken words and unspoken words, because I'm aware that blessings can be transmitted through other HUMAN BEINGS.

I have met others like myself, others who can see and the COMMON DENOMINATOR is we CANNOT make others see.

To see this LIFE for what it truly is requires HUMILITY and the ability to HUMBLE ones-self.

I like to call this STEP ONE.

Ask him, say: Father GOD, help me to see what you want me to see.

Be careful the enemy draws near as you draw closer to GOD.

The enemy of our FATHER IN HEAVEN is OUR enemy.

It's time to live LIFE WITH OUR EYES OPEN..


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Learn to Trust

What a beautiful view, standing on this cliff seeing Mother Earths true BEAUTY. The water is so loud below the breeze is colder than I expected.

Why is my heart feeling fear? I don't feel that I am in any danger. Why am I scared? Why can't I settle down?

Being afraid of heights is contributing to my fear but why do I feel so uneasy up here? It certainly is beautiful but very unsafe.

I am taking baby steps towards the edge of the cliff I really want too see what's below. The closer I get the more afraid I get.

After a sigh of deep breaths I stand there and receive all that I can from my environment I absolutely love it hear and even tough I'm fearful of being up here I am taking deep breaths to cope with the fear.


I don't no, I answered.


Yes it is, I said.

The breeze captivated me as if the water below sent an invitation up the cliff. It felt so good so I took a step closer and peaked over as the water crashed against the mountain I felt very fearful my distance was much higher than the water below me.


My heart hurt with fear, my stomach couldn't take what I was hearing I was feeling sick suddenly.

--------- TRUST ME ----------

But I couldn't be convinced, No Way was I jumping down there! Never! No! I am much to scared to do something like that.



Feelings of joy and love came over me, trust and faith started to become embedded within me. I believe you, I thought to myself as the words silently escaped my mouth.

I took a few steps closer to the edges looking over the cliff, stood up straight and turned away from the cliff. My back is facing the cliff now and all that I can hear is the wind touching my face and gliding across my ears it sounds like its speaking to me.

Reading my thoughts, I heard


A true spiritual experience indeed. My heart was beating different. I could hear it, my heart was wide open.

I need you, I said. I want you, please don't ever leave me.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and Jumped!

Chills raced up and down my flesh, as I sat their in meditation.

From head to toe I felt chills a lot like the Domino Effect. I didn't even no that my eyes could produce this amount of tears. My eyes filled with tears more than I have ever experienced.

I Trust You..... I no longer needed to be convinced.


Falling is not falling for you anymore.

God Fill me with TRUST, show me how to trust you and bless me with Courage.

Fear I love you, but I no longer need you to interfere in my life. I no longer need you involved with my decision making.

Conversations Re: Blessings

Why do you wait for me Angel?

I want to write down what we discuss.

For what purpose?

To share it with the people of this world.

Do you want to help them?

If I can, I would like too.

Hold your hand under the faucet, cup the running water. The water represents your blessings.

Oh my, Thank you FATHER....

Do you see that which cannot be caught with your hand?

Yes, I see. The water is falling out, it's running over.

Take your other hand and cup that which runs over. This is your blessings to give and bless others.

Share this with them, these blessings that I have shared with you. Share it with as many people as you can.

When, what should I do? What should I say?

Don't worry, I will give you OPPORTUNITY.

Ok, I WILL share it. Gods Will Be Done.