The boys told me at dinner tonight that they both think some Spirt is in our house they both described the same spirit.
Teenage boy
They say he just watches them, he follows them both.
They say that they feel more safe in my room because the spirit won't go into my room.
This is making me scared just a little bit, because they describe things so scary to me. My sister told me the exact same thing when she was a kid.
(Over 20 years ago)
Plus, I think there is definitely some one in here. I always feel it following me and the staring at me too.
But i swear, I don't say it to them (my sons). In fact I don't say it to anyone.
Now I'm just creeped out.
I had to find the right things to say to my boys so I told them.
That they have power over these things, that they simply need to tell this spirit to stop following them, but that they needed to mean it and be aggressive, they needed to be in charge.
I told them that this is their house. I told them that they have the power of GOD inside them and they need to learn how to use it and now is a great time to start using it.
I taught them to block things out of there mind and focus I taught them to enforce the word of GOD on it. I taught them to pay attention to what is going on around them but to stay focused.
I'm gonna buy them some crosses like i have in my room. I'm gonna make their room into force fields like they say my room makes them feel.
I have crosses and crystals in my room. I pray all the time in my room. I told them to start praying in their room.
They told me when they come in my room they feel safe, they feel so free that they will even lay on my floor.
But when they are downstairs or in their own rooms they feel like they are being watched.
The craziest thing about all of this is that I have been hearing this spirit, I been feeling its presence also.
Mostly i ignore it.
I use the power of GOD to rebuke things around me all the time, especially things that scare me.
It is my strength. That's what I taught my kids. Don't be scared but use the power of GOD inside you.
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