Thursday, May 2, 2013

I Asked & You Gave It 2 Me

I asked you for the GIFT OF SIGHT and you gave it to me, you helped me to see.

You have always given me the gift of sight. I have always been able to see...

The problem FATHER is that I don't understand what I see, and something's that I see I don't believe......

Now I no that I need help.

Help me FATHER to understand what I am seeing.. Help me to interpret it.

Holy Spirit that lives in me who talks to me, teaches me and guides me..

You are my pilot FATHER lead me.

You have also given me the gift of hearing. I can hear, I can hear you, I can hear your Holy Spirit speaking to me....

Your Will Be Done......

I don't understand why I don't use these gifts the way you have created me to...

Help me FATHER to use the gifts that you have given me according to your Will in my life...

Help me to interpret what I am hearing, to understand clearly, what it is that you mean....

Help me to hear what you want me to hear..

Let me lean not to my own understand of these things.....

Your Will Be Done.....

MAY 2 @ 6:49am 2013

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