Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I can hear you

Walking through life but being guided by my FATHER.

Turning to him when lost, instead of turning to friends and family.

He has let me no that he hears me also, he can hear me engaging him in conversation day and night. GOD is telling me how beautiful he can make my life here on earth.

He is helping me to see, he is showing me, that with him NOTHING is impossible.

He doesn't want much from me, not like all the rules in this life that people think he wants.. No, he doesn't ask those things of me.


What he wants is LOYALTY, and LOVE, he wants me to LOVE him back and show it.. Love him with my heart.

This is not hard for me, ask anyone who knows me I love to talk about GOD. I can go on for hours about how awesome he is and how much I love him.

Today he has helped me to see that I am doing just that. He is pleased with me. If felt so good to be pleasing.

Do you no that today just this morning maybe about 5:54am he helped me to see how much he LOVES Mary. Did you no that she was favored.

She must have been AWESOME, her heart was right. An Angel came to her.

The thought of that blew me away. I wondered what I would do if an Angel appeared to me.

All I could say was GODS WILL BE DONE.

I wonder if I am favored and that's why I'm so blessed as well.

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