We humans accept labels from society but you have forgotten we are more than MANKIND we are indeed #SupremeBeings.
Remember what you were taught: THOU SHALL NOT WORSHIP FALSE IDOLS!
Well that includes yourself. This is speaking of your FALSE SELF. You know yourself to be [such & such] whatever your name is ] Which is your FALSE SELF!
That is the EGO Self. The illusionary self trying to make you #Worship this body you are in & this WORLD it is in. That is the same as WORSHIPPING FALSE IDOLS!
The TRUE SELF is inside of you & hasn’t existed in this planet in the 3rd dimension without a body. Your soul is NOT physical Material and Your body is a PRISON CELL TO THE #SOUL for now..
Whenever you don’t connect to your inner self or the GOD in you but rather you connect to a God outside of yourself, you are giving Power to that ENTITY.